Friday, June 13, 2008
well.. the past week so far has been a rather eventful wan for me.. wif class bbq and chalet-ing wif 1S02 ppl!
class bbq was held at pasir ris park.. was actually arranged to meet at 12 de.. den i met tian ye at pasir ris inter b4 heading over to downtown.. we arrived dere arnd 12.45pm.. and best part was no one had arrived yet.. only kkm and donny arrived shortly after that.. so we went to play pool.. den slowly one by one came and joined us.. walked over to pasir ris park after playing pool.. and wa seh.. a distance in lar.. but on a whole.. we had lots of fun together.. talking.. playing.. yep.. but one thing.. we did waste quite alot of food... reali alot.. i think the remaining rice and beehoon enough to feed another class lar... maybe those weren't reali favoured.. but oh well..
okay.. that was on sunday.. tues was the start of the chalet.. one thing i must say.. it's reali quite unfair.. we check in so late.. we check out so early.. and all bcos of chalet regulations.. wow.. yar.. guess it's jus becos dey are so "smart".. but im nt reali affected by that.. just a little.. actually thinking back about all that we did.. we did spend alot of time talking to one another.. chatting.. talking talking talking.. which was quite good actually.. cos thats the whole purpose.. to spend time wif one another.. catch up wif one another..
it's lyk we talked to each other through the night.. on the first night.. which was quite a big mistake.. cos i felt it wld hav been better if we slept on the first night but stayed awake on the second.. anw.. all of us slept rather rather little.. so 2nd day.. by early afternoon.. we all were alr lyk walking zombies.. den decided to go escape.. but then the weather was lyk horrible lar.. lyk drizzling that tinee winee bit only.. den all the rides suspended due to bad weather.. den we were lyk somewhat delayed.. but then again..dere weren't reali many rides to take in dere.. rainbow.. pirate ship.. and inverter.. those were the more thrilling ones..
then it was the bbq.. which was what i felt one of the most successful ones i had so far.. combination of good fire.. good food.. and ppl who were willing to cook.. yep.. and we had quite abit of leftovers too.. but we played games lyk "i never" and "i hav".. and the reamining food was cleared quite fast.. and it was indeed one of the few times i felt ever so full b4 lar.. i think im becoming fat.. all matt's idea..
anwys.. second night..all of us jus slept lor.. cos cannot tahan ler marh.. but funny thing.. i was the latest to sleep.. but earliest to wake up.. excluding wanting and emeline who had to leave early.. yar.. den weiyang had to leave for canoeing training.. so only left 5 of us.. den we thot check out 12.30.. den in the end at 11.. we received a call telling us that we shld hv checked out alr.. lyk sheeesh.. so it's lyk we got chased out.. so ya..
went to play abt an hour of pool at E!hub.. after that we dispersed..
well.. my apologies if i reali made this post sound very boring.. depressing.. cos right now i am indeed feeling quite down.. nt reali becos the chalet has ended.. but bcos of things that i read.. frm blogs.. that reali made me think alot.. and i just feel lyk im trapped in my past yet again..
going to b alone till sunday.. parents and sis went overseas.. decided nt to follow.. ya..
some pictures of 1S02.. jus to reminisce all the moments we had together.. and yet another quote.. to end off the post.. it's nt applicable to anyone by the way.. felt it was a nice quote..

the love i have for you is what you've given me
the hope i place in you is what you'd have me be
the joy i find with you is what makes you happy
the peace in knowing you is in you knowing me
(12:27 AM)
Sunday, June 08, 2008
okay.. before i start wif the 3rd tagg... i forgot to put this up on my post yesterday..
ZHI CHAO!! 6/6 =)
u were always saying how nice your birth date is.. 6/6.. ya ya ya..
and so now wif the quiz.. dere are some repeat questions.. so yar.. i jus copied and pasted the answers.. and nope.. i didn't tag anybody in all of my 3 tags.. yar.. im the spoiler..
A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.Continue this game by sending it to other people.
#1 If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
I will be emo.. very emo.. and i wouldn't know how long i would take to recover from it.. many why's will pop out in my head.. but i won't ask why.. dun ask me why i won't ask why..
#2 If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
it's the very same question i do ask other ppl.. and i call it somewhat my own survey others la.. but nvm.. i guess i would wish for this world to be filled to the brim with love.. love that will last forever.. ha.. some imba..
#3 What will your dream wedding be like?
i think a very simple one would do.. especially with all the traditions and beliefs.. etc.. definitely one of the ceremonies wld b in church.. dun nid to elaborate.. and spending time alone together at a place we both love? lyk maybe on the sand of the beach? *shrug*
#4 Will you rather have a loving girl/boyfriend and little friends, or no girl/guy to love you yet many friends?
well.. this is a very tough question.. i reali don't know.. both single life and attached life has it's own pros and cons.. and i dun reali know which wan suits me best now.. im still quite unstable i think..
#5 What if one day you realised that the person you love turns out to be different from whom you think he/she is?
i will b quite shocked.. as in if it's reali a drastic difference.. and a rather bad wan.. that i'll b quite affected.. and i wld be quite helpless.. unsure of how i wld feel.. but i wld definitely want to sort things to her..
#6 Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
i would say both.. bcos in the first place.. loving is a blessing.. so be it being a blessing to someone.. or u will be blessed.. but then again.. it will definitely be easier to feel blessed if u are being loved.. and if u love someone.. whether or not u will feel blessed.. depends on how u view love..
#7 Fries or potato chips? (a question formulated by u??)
er.. neither? ya..
#8 Longest relationship
about 6 months.. refusal to elaborate..
#9 Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
erm.. nt reali.. i guess it's more of lyk getting trapped in my own past.. and running arnd in circles around dem..
#10 What do you want most in life?
to achieve pure happiness and having everyone else around me to be as happy with me..
#11 Do you like being tagged?im lyk tagged thrice.. and i wld say it's nt a reali good experience doing all 3.. esp. when 2 of them hav some same questions..
#12 How do you see yourself in ten years' time?10 years..dats 27..i guess i'll be happily married?.. hopefully having a good job.. wif good income..
#13 Who is currently the most important person to you?hmm.. reli dunno how to ans..
#14 What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
i think she's reali friendly.. a nice fren to have! cheery.. er.. into palm-reading (is that wat u call it?) and a realli study person.. (don't reali wish to use the word mugger so ya)..
#15 Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
married but poor.. materialistic gains are but nothing.. although it seems lyk everything in this world.. whats more priceless is having the company of someone whom u love and loves u..
#16 What's the first thing you do every morning?
stretch? ya..
#17 Would you give all in a relationship?
i wld give my all.. in any relationship.. to even go into a relationship in the first place, it definitely reflects that u ARE serious about that someone.. and if u r getting into a relationship that u know wun last forever..den wats the pt of getting into that relationship?
#18 $10 note or $50 note?
both! duh..
#19 What type of friends do you like?
easy-going.. funny.. committed.. persevering.. determined.. ones u can share wif abt anything and almost everything.. humble.. pleasant..
#20 How many questions have you changed?
question 18.. cos i didn reali want to answer it..
YAY!im done..
(12:02 AM)
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Tian Ye's Tagg!!
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.
Starting time: 11.29 PM
Name: Timothy Ong
Sisters: 1
Brothers: 0
Shoe size: 8-9
Height: 165 cm whereabouts
Where do you live: Singapore
Favourite drinks: combination of ice lemon tea, grape & sprite.. (what i call heavenly drink)
Favourite breakfast: Big Breakfast from Mac? *shrug*
Have you ever been on a plane?: Yea.
Swam in the ocean: ECP then yes.
Fallen asleep at school: Yes but hardly during lesson times hor
Broken someone’s heart: u can say so
Fell off your chair: er.. i think so..once or twice..
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: i don't think so
Saved e-mails: of course
What is your room like: relatively neat.. books in shelves.. things stacked in a few piles on the table..
What’s right beside you: files stacked on top of one another.. books.. papers..
What is the last thing you ate: u noe the wang wang biscuit? took some frm my ah ma's house when i went dere for dinner..
Ever had chicken pox: no
Sore throat: duh
Stitches: nope
Broken nose: no
Do you believe in love at first sight: yeah.. altho chances of it lasting are.. 0.01%? my personal opinion..
Like picnics: east coast! yeah..wif ppl whom i can emo wif of course..
Who was/were the last person/people you danced with: u reali wan to know u ask me personally..ha
Last made you smile: my cousin yuki who is abt to reach 1years old!
You last yelled at: don't reali rmb.. juniors i guess..
Today did you:
Talk to someone you like: i like as in? question too ambiguous.. boo...
Kissed anyone: no
Get sick: kind of.. runny nose..
Miss someone: u can say so..
Eat: duh. i m nt anorexic or bulimic lar.
Best feeling in the world: EMO! as in the mild emo.. yar..dats the best feeling in the world.. im not crazy..
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: well..they are somewhat next to my bed on my bedside table.. some of u might hav had the chance to see them.. dolphy & ashley..
What’s under your bed: another mattress on a pull-out bed..Who do you really hate: no one in particularWhat time is it now?: 11.50PM (yes im taking quite some time to do this..cos im multi-tasking)
Is there a person who is on your mind now: u mean literally now or when u pause to think?
Do you have any siblings: yes.. lyk hello! up dere u ask liao..
Do you want children: ya, in the future
Do you smile often: no
Do you like your hand-writing: quite okay..ppl tell me quite nice.. but my mum.. thinks it's childish..but ya..abit too big i think..
Are your toe nails painted: no.. i tried once on my small toe though.. for fun of course!
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: my parents
What color shirt are you wearing now: white
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday: wait..suffering frm stm..oh.. watching movie wif my pri sch classmates..
I can’t wait till: i become truly happy.. if it will ever happen
When did you cry last: i reali can't rmb! months.. i actuali hv been wanting to cry..just somehow am not able to anymore..
Are you a friendly person: u can say so bah
Do you have any pets: Used to. hamsters and goldfish..
Where is the person you have feelings for right now?: i m currently unsure of my unable to ans ur dis stoopid question
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?: yeah..of course..
Do you sleep with the TV on?: obviously not! waste electricity ar..
What are you doing right now?: doing this thingy..bcos of tian ye.. listening to music @ the same time..
Have you ever crawled through a window?: ya..but wait..window can climb de window grill ar..or glass panes..
Can you handle the truth?: with a little time i will learn to accept it..
Are you too forgiving?: dis question somewhat implies that being too forgiving is bad..but i don't think so.. afterall.. if u dun forgive, u'll hav "enemies"..i don't wan2 make any..
Are you closer to your mother or father?: dun reali know
Who was the last person you cried in front of?: sec4 classmates
How many people can you say you’ve really loved?: tough question.. lets just say family.. relatives.. friends..
Do you eat healthy?: HEALTHILY.. somewhat..
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?: Yes.
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?: depending on availability, time, situation
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: quiet.........
Are you confident?: depends on what..
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. breathing
2. walking
3. studying
4. playing
5. watching tv
5 things on my to-do list today (it's 12.11AM):
1. piano lesson
2. "waste time" at library
3. sign language class
4. sleep when i get home
5. emo
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. i
2. dun
3. reali
4. eat
5. snacks
yay! im finally done.. sheesh.. i actually removed a few questions.. if u noticed(tian ye).. the last few lar..
okay.. now for isa's game.. it's lyk so not a game!!
A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.
If your lover betrayed you, what would your reaction be?
i will be emo.. very emo.. and i wouldn't know how long i would take to recover from it.. many why's will pop out in my head.. but i won't ask why.. dun ask me why i won't ask why..
If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
it's the very same question i do ask other ppl.. and i call it somewhat my own survey others la.. but nvm.. i guess i would wish for this world to be filled to the brim with love.. love that will last forever.. ha.. some imba..
What will your dream wedding be like?
i think a very simple one would do.. especially with all the traditions and beliefs.. etc.. definitely one of the ceremonies wld b in church.. dun nid to elaborate.. and spending time alone together at a place we both love? lyk maybe on the sand of the beach? *shrug*
Are you confused of what lies ahead of you?
yeah.. but i dun think confused is the word.. uncertain perhaps.. becos no one can predict the future.. and the future is uncertain! but of course..ppl will say.. the future is in your hands.. it's up to u to shape it.. but as it is now.. my life is in a mess.. i reali dunno how i'll go about facing my future..
What's your ideal lover like?
wah.. a tough question.. someone who will love me as much as i lover her.. which i hope will to b an infinitely big extent.. will b a loving and caring mother.. i wouldn't look too much at age and looks.. altho it does play a part in dis world.. preferably someone shorter than me or arnd the same height? someone who will understand me no matter wat happens.. someone whom i can lean on.. altho it shld mostly b the other way arnd.. be able to present herself nicely.. some self-confidence and esteem?
do you have a person that you wish you will be with now?
i reali reali dunno how to ans dis question.. it's bcos i reali am unsure of how im feeling right now.. apologies to all and to the question..
which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
i would say both.. bcos in the first place.. loving is a blessing.. so be it being a blessing to someone.. or u will be blessed.. but then again.. it will definitely be easier to feel blessed if u are being loved.. and if u love someone.. whether or not u will feel blessed.. depends on how u view love..
How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
for someone i reali love.. i think i'll wait for as long as it might take.. but of course.. if she has found her happiness.. or she has clearly stated that we wouldn't b possible.. den dere's no point in forcing.. there wld be unhappiness.. and dat contradicts love.. ever heard of "to love is to let go?" of cos applicable in those circumstances only.. but on the other hand.. if she needs time to accept me.. i'll wait..
if the person you secretly liked is already attached, what would you do?
i will hang on for a period of time.. and observe if anything happens.. if i see that they are happy together.. i'll allow time to lyk lose my feelings.. but if dey are nt happy together i wun break dem up lar!
is there anything that makes you unhappy these days?
erm.. nt reali.. i guess it's more of lyk getting trapped in my own past.. and running arnd in circles around dem..
is being tagged fun?
to know that there will b ppl who tag u.. yeah.. but to do these so many many many questions.. not realli..
how do you see yourself in ten years time?
10 years..dats 27..i guess i'll be happily married?.. hopefully having a good job.. wif good income..
who are currently most important people to you?
God, family members.. friends.. all my frens actually.. but esp. those im closer to.. tt includes my mei..yep..
what kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
a reali good fren to hav.. someone who wld be willing to stand by her frens.. can get abit high-pitched at times? =P caring.. smiley (quite often but will b good if it were more often).. nice.. xD
would you rather to be single and rich or married but poor?
married but poor.. materialistic gains are but nothing.. although it seems lyk everything in this world.. whats more priceless is having the company of someone whom u love and loves u..
what's the first thing you do every morning?
stretch? i think..
would you give your all in a relationship?
i wld give my all.. in any relationship.. to even go into a relationship in the first place, it definitely reflects that u ARE serious about that someone.. and if u r getting into a relationship that u know wun last forever..den wats the pt of getting into that relationship?
if you fall in love with two person simultaneously, who would you pick?
i think chances of that happening to me are quite small.. but if it does happen.. i guess i will choose the wan i feel a greater sense of closeness with? that im able to relate better to.. and she is able to relate better to me as well.. one that i feel so strong about..
what type of friends do you like?
easy-going.. funny.. committed.. persevering.. determined.. ones u can share wif abt anything and almost everything.. humble.. pleasant..
if given the chance to turn back time, will you?
yeah.. i wld want to correct all the bad things i did.. wrong things i did.. things dat i cld hav done in a much better way.. allowed some things to happen? and disallowed some things to happen? but if can turn back time.. den u lyk alr know whats going to happen b4 it even happens..den dats quite.. unfair?
what is the last thing you would do before you die?
i wld want to at least get to talk to everyone i know.. especially those im closer to.. those whom i love.. and those who love me.. let them know they played a very significant role in my life..thank dem whole-heartedly..& tell them to move on wif life & treasure it to its fullest..
well... 2 down!! i think i shld do the other wan another day.. it's madness.. it's currently 2:15AM! and i must have been mad attempting to do all 3..
sighs.. i think i reali nid to go sleep now.. so yep.. doing the 3rd wan.. perhaps tmr or smt.. sheesh..
(2:16 AM)
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
well.. read my title.. and if it reminds u of the song "raindrops keep falling on my head".. den u are smt lyk in sync wif me? yeah.. but then again..maybe that's highly unlikely.. lol.. im mad..
well.. recent spate of events.. yet again.. makes me think alot alot alot..
running into someone.. whom u somewhat thought u might meet.. at this particular location.. and true enough.. u two met.. and den loads of thoughts.. emotions.. feelings.. the past memories.. just flood back in.. lyk gushing through the blood vessels in your brain or smt.. and next second.. u know u are lyk abit unstable..
thinking about the world.. i guess i have a few thought-provoking questions.. for myself..
in this world.. do you fight for survival or are u kept surviving?
in this world.. do you pursue for your happiness or does happiness find you?
in this world.. do you conform to the changes of the world (change along wif the world) or do u make a difference in the world though small it may be?
i reali am speechless.. i finally realised.. the mistake that i made.. was way too big.. the involvement i got myself into.. way too deep.. and yeah.. im somewhat scarred for life? how long wld the wound take to heal? almost forever it seems..
have been going to bishan library.. every saturday.. to read some pages of some books.. and if u do know me..yeah..psychology books.. took down a few quotes.. thot i might want to share.. but this wan is from pasir ris library.. was dere on mon..
it is not how much we do
but how much love we put into the doing
it is not how much we give
but how much love we put into the giving
-Mother Theresa
altho this might seem lyk a rather ordinary quote.. i still felt it is reali meaningful.. it's love.. ever thought about what actually keeps the world in this manner.. or what keeps the world what it is todae.. it's actually love.. okay..dun take it from me.. but i feel.. it's the very basic emotion.. feeling.. that is applicable to everything and anything... but yeah..sigh.. now i hav another quote.. dis wan frm a book in bishan library.. rather long..but nvm..
to laugh is to risk appearing a fool
to weep is to risk appearing sentimental
to reach out is to risk involvement
to expose feelings is to risk revealing your true self
to place your ideas and dreams before the crowd is to risk their love
to love is to risk not being loved in return
to live is to risk dying
to hope is to risk despair
to try is to risk failure
but the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing
one who risks nothing for nothing, has nothing and finally is nothing
he may avoid sufferings and sorrow but he simply cannot learn, feel, change, grow or love
he has forfeited freedom
only one who risks is free..
how amazing the power of love is.. u wld just be willing to do anything and everything.. u would just go the distance for the one u love without hesitation..
the power of love...... are u able to define love?
(11:12 PM)